

2020 TOKYO

Art Direction | Project LOgo Design | frontispiece of eight musical songs

My ROle: WeSongCyclEプロジェクトロゴ、作品タイトル・サムネイル、扉絵アートワークなどのアートディレクション/デザインを担当。

東京都生活文化局の「アートにエールを!東京プロジェクト」が出資する企画に採択された国際ミュージカルコラボ作品[WeSongCycle]のアートディレクションを担当。演出家渋谷真紀子氏をCreative Directorに据え、P.A.TOKYO(代表:堂本麻夏氏/Producer)が主催したプロジェクト。


Project title: WESONGCYCLE, an international musical collaboration project by P.A.Tokyo ltd.,Directed by Makiko Shibuya

I joined as an Art Director/Designer the project that artists of different cultures and backgrounds come together to create a musical in different countries under Cheer for Art ! Tokyo Project by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs, Japan. They pair up new collaborators remotely to write a song cycle musical in three weeks. A song cycle musical is a musical with independently written songs woven together with an overarching theme. The entire creative process will be recorded and streamed online a documentary to promote this new way of collaboration.*

Source of paragraph: WeSongCycle produced by P.A.Tokyo