Mayu illustrated_アートボード 1.png

HI, there.

I have a dream that we will one day live in a world where everybody on this planet feels safe, cared, and loved.

I am a Design strategist/graphic designer who works collaboratively with a wide variety of cultural, corporate and governmental organizations to design communication and service experiences.

After graduating from WASEDA University in TOKYO 2004 and Pantheon SOrbonne University in Paris 2006, I have worked in social impact field for eight and a half years with/for people in multiple countries such as Senegal, Niger, Jordan, Morocco, Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Nepal and Burkina Faso and Myanmar under JICA projects to co-create our better society.

In May of 2018, I graduated from the Design for Social Innovation Master’s program at the School of Visual Arts, New York.

I believe that communications designed in a visually compelling way can change people’s behavior, unlock the full potential of business and humans, and brings innovation that mends our broken society. 

Welcome to my website.






2017年にJoint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJWBGSP/日本政府・世界銀行共同奨学金) を受賞。世銀の奨学生として米国ニューヨークの総合美術大学School of Visual Artsの大学院プログラムであるMFA Design for Social Innovationを2018年5月に修了。引きつづき、私たちの社会を良くするデザインについて日々考えています。

